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          誰能幫忙翻譯一段文字呢?英文 感謝?。?!

          來源:www.arabfd.com???時間:2021-12-11 00:59???點擊:224??編輯:屠瓊???手機版

          翻譯如下!望采納!茶禪一味”的茶禪文化是我國一塊傳統(tǒng)的文化瑰寶,也是中國對世界文明的一大貢獻。它所蘊含的頓悟見性的審美思維,崇尚自然、注重內在的藝術境界直接影響著人們對設計的審美。文章通過對茶禪文化的研究,將進一步闡述“茶禪一味”在主題酒店家具設計中的引用及應用。 Tea zen blindly tea zen culture of our country is a traditional culture of China, but also a great contribution to the global culture. It contains the epiphany of aesthetic thinking, advocate natural, pay attention to the intrinsic artistic realm directly affect people 's aesthetic design. This article through to the tea zen culture research, will be further elaborated tea and Zen in theme hotels furniture design reference and application.

          Tea Zen Zen tea culture is a traditional cultural treasures of our country, but also to world civilization, a great contribution. The sexual aesthetic thinking of the implication of its epiphany see, respect for nature, focusing on the inner realm of art has a direct impact on design aesthetic. Articles by Zen tea culture will be further elaborated in Tea and Zen theme hotel furniture design and application.

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